Boost Your Business with These Tips for Creating Pay Per Click Ads on Facebook


Facebook is the first name on everyone’s lips when debating the best social media platforms for pay-per-click advertising. With the network offering almost three billion monthly active users, there’s no shortage of digital marketing campaigns that convert your ideal audience.

Alongside the other pay-per-click (PPC) giant in Google Ads, Facebook has become the leading destination for online advertising. With businesses operating at every scale capable of establishing an online advertising model that achieves their goals, everyone from small businesses to global megacorps can drive traffic and experience higher profits.

However, with millions of businesses using Facebook PPC advertising to capture attention, rudimentary ad campaigns won’t deliver the results you need. Consider these tips to enhance your PPC campaigns and stand out in your target market’s feed.

Highlight Your Products with Carousel Ads

Facebook PPC ads are the ideal way to showcase your brand’s latest products. Although the varied pay-per-click ad formats on Facebook make it possible to advertise your items in a myriad of ways, carousel campaigns are especially effective.

As this format allows you to share a single ad where users can swipe through numerous images or videos, it ensures you showcase multiple perspectives that reveal why it’s so special. In fact, you can include up to 10 photos or videos with a unique call-to-action for each one.

With this format incredible to view on both Facebook desktop and mobile versions, you can deliver paid ads that increase how much information your audience has. This way, they are far more likely to consider purchasing.

Reach More People with Page Post Engagement Ads

It takes a lot of effort to produce relevant content. So, when it doesn’t get the traction it deserves as a regular post, it feels like it’s gone to waste. However, you can ensure more Facebook users get the message with Page Post Engagement ads (PPE).

This form of PPC marketing on Facebook isn’t the same as simply boosting your post to enhance its reach. Instead, PPE ads take your existing content and share it with users outside your immediate following who have a high chance of engaging with it.

As this process attracts potential customers from far and wide, PPC advertising campaigns deliver improved brand awareness and push users to visit your website. With the ideal ad copy, your brand can skyrocket its conversions.

Immerse Your Audience with Facebook Canvas

Over the years, Facebook’s pay-per-click marketing campaigns have changed dramatically to keep up with evolving consumer expectations. While people may have been impressed with text ads in the past, innovations such as Facebook Canvas now help deliver the maximum amount of visitors.

This highly immersive internet marketing feature displays your ads as a full-screen ad experience, where your brand’s products are brought to life on mobile devices.

With these campaigns communicating exciting stories through video content, images, text, and call-to-action buttons, these kinds of ad placements have produced significant results for some of the world’s biggest brands.

Make the Most of PPC Ads with Facebook Analytics

You need detailed data to launch a successful paid ad campaign, so install the Facebook Pixel on your website to gather information to review in Facebook Analytics. This outstanding service provides a wealth of helpful information when planning your campaign.

For example, as you see how your audience browses through your website, you can identify sales funnels and retention statistics that may expose specific targeted keywords to enhance your PPC campaigns.

Alongside Google Ads analytics, this information is invaluable for developing a productive campaign. Get to know your audience’s demographics, behavior trends, and actions to produce an online advertising strategy that achieves your goals.

Launch a Remarketing Online Advertising Campaign

Remarketing campaigns are one of the most effective pay-per-click strategies, as you reconnect with users who have previously engaged with your business. On Facebook, the Custom Audiences feature is built for this precise purpose.

If you’re looking to produce effective shopping ads, you can use customer data you’ve previously collected, including phone numbers and email addresses, to display online ads via their Facebook feed.

Meanwhile, the Facebook Pixel comes in handy again, as you can reach previous website visitors with a remarketing pay-per-click model. With these campaigns often delivering the best cost-per-click, consider this strategy when launching new PPC ads.

Build Success with Lookalike Audiences

Find more consumers closely related to your established following with Facebook’s Lookalike Audiences feature. By leveraging existing customer information to prospect for new people, this PPC model delivers better leads while improving ad spend value.

However, you must review your bid strategies to get the most out of this PPC strategy. Facebook recommends targeting the same pay-per-click ad to each Lookalike Audience, then studying the results to determine the most effective bid-based strategy.

For example, you can generate Lookalike Audiences for ad groups in different countries. While people from around the globe might have overlapping interests, targeting an individual ad for each market can help deliver the most success.

Test Your Ads

Like Google Ads, you must always A/B test your pay-per-click advertising campaign on Facebook. By assessing how minor changes impact your success, you can discover the best approach for your goals.

For instance, you might implement negative keywords, alter your maximum bid, or direct consumers to different landing pages. These changes can have a tremendous effect on your campaign’s performance.

By reviewing your keyword research, bidding system, and ad groups, you can account for how people search their Facebook feed while producing a pay-per-click model that delivers incredible outcomes for your needs.

Discover Your Ideal PPC Model

Pay-per-click advertising on Facebook can be hugely productive with the right approach. By developing a basic understanding of the bid-based model to create a campaign that resonates with your target audience, driving traffic to your website becomes much simpler.

However, you must partner with a world-leading PPC digital marketing firm like First Page to achieve the best results. Alongside exceptional search engine advertising strategies that increase your Google Search rankings, we can boost your performance on the Facebook feed.

If you’re looking to climb the search engine results page on Google while dominating Facebook PPC advertising, get in touch with our experts to discover how our paid search campaigns deliver more customers for a stellar cost.